Our 13th Season (2010-2011)
Our 13th Season
The School for Scandal, by Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Directed by Mishia Burns Edwards - October 8-24, 2010
Delve headlong into gossip, slander and the treacherous world of scandal mongers in this scathing classic that pulls no punches. As relevant now as it was when it first premiered in London at the Drury Lane Theatre in 1777, this stylized comedy is a classic of 18th-Century England and includes popular characters including Surface, Teazle, Snake, Crabtree, Backbite, Candour, and Sneerwell.

Join The Mutual Manhattan Variety Cavalcade from the Hotel Astor's Algonquin Room on December 21, 1942! The spirit of that bygone era when the world was at war and pop music meant "Strike Up the Band" and "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy" are captured as a harassed producer copes with a drunk lead singer, the delivery boy who wants a chance in front of the microphone, the second banana who dreams of singing a ballad, and the trumpet playing sound effects man who chooses a fighter plane over Glenn Miller.

Your friend just spent an insane amount of money on a white (yes - completely white) painting. Did he just get scammed? Or is it ART?

The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton Under the Direction of the Marquis de Sade is one of the most polarizing theatrical experiences of all time - and the winner of the 1966 Tony Award for Best Play - "Marat/Sade" throws the audience into a nightmare of insanity as the head of the Asylum of Charenton attempts to maintain control of a performance that is as likely to erupt into an uprising as the events it depicts. Wild shifts between philosophical argument and physical violence keep the audience of the play as well as the audience in the theater off-guard and forced to confront class disparity, the boundaries of art and the nature of revolution.

One of rock's greatest albums comes to life in this psychedelic exploration of family, faith and redemption. After witnessing a brutal murder, young Tommy loses his ability to interact with the outside world. Retreating into his world of isolation, Tommy suffers abuse from opportunistic relatives and neighbors. His unexpected penchant for pinball reshapes him into a modern messiah but threatens to destroy him as well. Featuring such classic songs as "Pinball Wizard", "Acid Queen" and "Tommy Can You Hear Me?" Tommy is a timeless classic.>